"100 First Duets for Flute" is a collection of flute duets in progressive order of difficulty, aimed mostly for beginner students. For now, the duets can be accessed from the google spreadsheet linked below:
This is an ongoing project. As you can see, currently the collection has far less than 100 duets. I don't know if I will ever reach the 100th duet (I hope I will), but I set this number as a goal for myself to stay motivated and keep expanding the collection.
A few words about this project:
Briefly, the purpose of this project is to provide a comprehensive and systematic workbook for flute teachers and students, which is based entirely on duets, starting from the level of absolute beginners. If you can play just the three notes of the left hand on the flute (G-A-B), there are duets for you to play here. For these very early stages of playing, I wrote and arranged a few duets myself, with a more advanced part for the teachers, so the end result would be more musical and fun to play. In these duets the flute parts are labelled "Student" and "Teacher", indicating that only the lead part is suitable for a beginner student. After a while, the duets are suitable for two beginner students at roughly the same level, allowing for them to work in pairs. From this stage on, the parts are labelled "Flute 1" and "Flute 2", indicating that they are at a similar degree of difficulty.
As the student becomes more proficient, more music from the flute repertoire becomes available for him or her to play. There is a vast literature of public domain music for flute available online, and in it a lot of duets originally written for flute by many master flute players and composers throughout history. There is also a lot of public domain music that can be easily adapted for playing in two flutes. However, for most students and many teachers as well, this music is not very readable and easily accessible. As the book progresses, I undertook the task of collecting such music and editing it in modern, digital notation to make it more accessible.
Hopefully, I will find the time to continuously expand this collection of flute duets. Who knows, maybe one day I will even complete one hundred duets... It is important for me to note, that the duets are all public domain and free for all to use and enjoy. As such, I have no idea how many people actually download and use them. By leaving a comment here, or contacting me personally, you can let me know whether this project has been useful for you, and share your thought about it. If you also wish to make a small donation to help me continue this work, I would very much appreciate this.